Understanding the gap between talent and skill.
The three levels of skill development – Discovery, Learning, and Deliberate Practice.
Learning the Grit formula (skill x effort = achievement).
The importance of “practice makes perfect” through quantity and quality of effort.
The role of passion and stamina in the quality of perseverance.
The nature and importance of developing and encouraging a growth mindset.
The ability to identify and improve weaknesses in the skill set.
The art of embracing challenges with creativity.
Digital Badges
You desire self-improvement for yourself and your team and to master the skill of not giving up.
Beat the myth that talent is natural and not perfected by practice.
Establish a mindset for continuous self-improvement in your chosen skill set.
Describe the “Robert Bruce” mindset of continuing to try in the face of obstacles.
Demonstrate open-mindedness to feedback for personal growth.
Cultivate the ability to leverage your skills for your goals.
Develop the ability to recognize the kind of effort towards success.
Call us to talk to one of our learning advisors about your upskilling requirements or use the form below to send us a message.